Please bear in mind this is my very first addon and I'm learning a lot as I go I've borrowed a lot of ideas from folks who have come before me. Hopefully this is helpful to someone else drop me a line with your thoughts.
It was also an opportunity for me to write a WoW addon something I've wanted to do for a while but never had great ideas on what to go after. This idea came up from a friend of mine (who does rather well playing the AH game based on the information shared from this community) who wanted a quick way to know the 'value' of what he was carrying around.
It's written as a libdatabroker plugin, so it also plugs into anything that can display LDB plugins (so Bagnon, Titan Panel, ChocolateBar, FuBar, etc).
It's called BagAppraiser it analyzes all of the items in your bags and bank and provides you with a total of their market worth by using TSM pricing sources or TUJ pricing sources. Just wanted to share an addon that I've been working on that might help some of you.